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Charcoal Peafowl
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu libero lectus. In est felis, tristique non nulla posuere, molestie sagittis ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam ante turpis, posuere non nulla sit amet, viverra sodales risus. Donec scelerisque lobortis neque, eu semper leo varius ut. Proin eu rutrum neque. Nam vel fringilla neque. Suspendisse auctor, tortor eu consequat viverra, enim dui vehicula lacus, eget ornare risus velit eu diam. Praesent non efficitur arcu. Ut maximus sapien ac varius commodo. Sed tincidunt, nunc a interdum tincidunt, massa felis varius tellus, eu cursus felis ante et lorem. Praesent diam felis, sodales vitae vehicula nec, sagittis eu neque. Fusce tortor nibh, hendrerit sed eleifend a, mattis eu felis. Vestibulum est sem, semper at faucibus sit amet, eleifend in lacus. Ut aliquam cursus purus. Vivamus efficitur mollis est, efficitur lacinia metus.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer blandit porta eros, elementum viverra magna semper non. Donec venenatis molestie eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse ultrices nibh ut risus sagittis, quis fermentum arcu elementum. Curabitur placerat ipsum ac velit porttitor, sed tempor est congue. Curabitur varius viverra augue in vulputate. Duis in rutrum lorem. Nunc quis tellus vel turpis dapibus eleifend.
Donec lobortis magna sit amet sagittis gravida. Donec nisi dui, pellentesque nec sem blandit, semper tincidunt nulla. Vestibulum ac interdum ipsum. Quisque et magna ac velit ultrices laoreet. Nunc ac mi justo. Nullam ullamcorper in nulla eget cursus. Mauris nulla nibh, malesuada et convallis eget, placerat in dui. In suscipit porta fermentum. Nunc lobortis tortor sapien, at malesuada arcu pharetra sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi eleifend metus dolor. Curabitur pulvinar, metus ut finibus pretium, nisl nisl aliquam nunc, eget egestas felis quam ut leo. Suspendisse quis rhoncus est. Aenean dapibus nunc sed nibh dignissim auctor.
Pellentesque purus risus, imperdiet vel augue sed, ornare pretium tortor. Vivamus eu enim sed mauris pellentesque feugiat. Sed mollis massa libero, quis mattis purus consectetur quis. Etiam est augue, ornare in magna quis, tristique posuere lacus. Ut interdum tincidunt quam, imperdiet vulputate lorem accumsan eu. Donec sem leo, pretium vel ipsum blandit, vestibulum tristique justo. Quisque lobortis nisl quis purus laoreet egestas. Mauris non nunc fermentum, pharetra odio ac, fringilla nunc. Pellentesque vehicula, erat in efficitur consequat, ipsum nibh fringilla ipsum, ac scelerisque leo urna fermentum magna. Suspendisse aliquam arcu et laoreet eleifend. Aenean pulvinar enim ac metus sagittis, ut bibendum est mattis. Mauris consectetur sit amet sapien sed semper.
Suspendisse potenti. Nunc porttitor lorem est, in tristique erat ultrices in. Aenean accumsan mauris at libero pellentesque, nec convallis elit porta. Suspendisse id turpis at felis mollis sodales et nec augue. Nunc commodo lectus in dolor laoreet cursus. Morbi suscipit tellus sodales finibus sollicitudin. Morbi vulputate orci ut arcu pellentesque, vitae molestie turpis vehicula. Praesent urna magna, elementum quis iaculis vitae, egestas at nisl. Fusce tempus orci sed sapien molestie malesuada. Sed placerat nec diam vitae cursus. Fusce in consectetur lectus. Ut sed nisl arcu.

Latest revision as of 07:38, 19 February 2018

Charcoal Peafowl spawn in the wild as family groups called a muster. Charcoal Peafowl can be found in Jungle and Swamp biomes. When in the wild they will eat Toads and Frogs. In order to feed and breed them you can use seeds of any type which are their favourite food. You also need to give them water to drink by right-clicking them with a water bucket, they will also drink from nearby water blocks or troughs filled with water. Unlike pigs and cows, they do not consume a full water block or bucket.


In order for Charcoal Peafowl to breed you need both a male and a female in close proximity to each other. They also have to be happy, which means you have to feed them and give them access to water. There also has to be a nest nearby, when these conditions are met the peahen will lay a Peafowl Egg in the nest.


The peacock is the male of the species, it has colourful feathers which it drops at a random interval. Killing a peacock will also drop a feather of it's colour, this will not happen for peahen or peachicks.


The peahen is the female of the species, unlike the peacock it does not have much colour and doesn't drop a feather on death.


After the gestation period for a peafowl egg is done it will hatch and a peachick will emerge, these young peafowl grow up after a period of time. There is currently no way to tell if it will be a peacock or peahen because gender is determined when it is fully grown.